What I’m reading: Virtual vs. In Person Interviews - is one more valid than the other?

This publication came out of the University of Toronto reflecting on the change from their traditional interview structure (MPI -in person modified personal interview) mid-2020 to an online format (vMPI- asynchronous video-based MPI). they compared the two for internal structure, consequential validity, and applicant and interviewer acceptability. Here is a table outlining the differences and structure of the two formats:

Ultimately the data suggested that the video format had equal validity to the in-person format, measured similar attributes, and was acceptable to both raters and students. The study concludes: “While situational judgment tests have shown promise, virtual interviews may also play a role in screening as they offer a proxy for face-to-face interaction and multiple sampling of applicant performance. More tailored tools such as the vMPI may enable schools to better reflect their mission and values. Additionally, virtual interviews may expand geographic and sociodemographic access for schools. The cost of travel to and from interviews can be a serious expense for disadvantaged applicants.”

Kulasegaram K, Baxan V, Giannone E, Latter D, Hanson MD. Adapting the Admissions Interview During COVID-19: A Comparison of In-Person and Video-Based Interview Validity Evidence. Academic Medicine, Vol. 97, No. 2 February 2022


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