About Me

I am a company of ONE. My mission is to build a relationship with each client and support their growth. I will dedicate time to provide you with personalized attention in a way that suits you best. 


Guide by your side. I will coach you and challenge your growth and help you identify the meaning and purpose behind why you want to be a doctor. I will provide support to help you complete tasks and achieve your goals, and I will hear your voice and collaborate. We will have fun! Lastly, I will expand your horizons and help you identify activities that might be a good fit for you in medicine. You will learn to present YOUR story in your voice both in writing and in a face-to-face interview so you can express and amplify your most authentic and genuine self. Lets build your narrative together. My job is to amplify your authenticity.

My time is flexible and can accommodate a premed student's schedule.  I can be available early morning, afternoon, evening, and on weekends. I am not restricted by regular business hours or geography. I conduct meetings via Zoom and we exchange documents via email or google docs. You work directly with me and my personal expertise - you will always have access to me via text, email, or phone. I work with students as early as freshman year in college choosing classes, summer activities, and extracurricular activities, and can continue our relationship through applying for residency or your first job out of residency. If we do this right you should develop a set of life skills for your future endeavors. I will be encouraging but honest. You can look at this as an investment in a one-on-one course in your career development and self-discovery in medicine. 

Experience.  You have more and more choices when it comes to medical school admissions consulting. I bring 15 years of experience working as a physician, teacher, mentor, and assistant program director in an academic medical center. I have participated in the ACEP teaching fellowship, and the IECA summer training institute, and have won multiple teaching awards. Many medical school admissions consulting services are being provided by either current or recently graduated medical students who served briefly on their institution's admission committees. This provides them with knowledge about how things get done at their medical school but they do not have a comprehensive overview of the entire landscape of medical education. You will also find consultants who are "jacks of all trades" providing services for college, MBA, law school, and medical school.  My SINGULAR FOCUS is helping students apply to and attend a medical school which truly allows me to be an expert in the field. I can keep my prices reasonable because I have limited overhead costs. I am not spending money improving my google rankings or hiring a social media consultant. I. have seen many different versions of success and what works for someone else may not be the solution for you.

Curation. There is an abundance of FREE information about medical school applications available to applicants. As a matter of fact, there is too much information available. I know, because I’ve browsed it all so you do not have to. I process all that information, sort what is useful and true, and personalize the information to each student so they can save HOURS of searching online and the minefield of overwhelm and discouragement that can happen in premed chat groups. I will target the information to each individual students’ situation based on a wide knowledge of the field and experience with other students’ successful application journeys. I can show you what to do instead of making lists of what not to do. Let me reduce the friction and stress of the application process through individualized curation of information and feedback to reduce overwhelm.

Professionalism and Ethics. I am a professional member of the Independent Educational Consultants Association which has the highest standards for membership and I abide by the IECA Principles of Good Practice. I visit medical schools across the country and speak with their current students and faculty. I have placed students at schools all over the US and internationally and have an up-to-date feel for each of those schools. I stay current with the literature and changes in the medical education landscape. Please see my blog for my current commentary and observations.

I am a good choice for the applicant who wants a strong mentorship relationship. I take on a limited number of clients each season, but those few clients get my undivided attention. I will use all the resources and experience at my disposal to get you where you want or need to be to prepare yourself for the future. The skills we work on are not only for the medical school application process but will be with you for many of your future endeavors and experiences. I want to work with you to help you name your core values and characteristics that will make you a great and happy doctor - do you have grit? are you intuitive? compassionate? knowledge seeking? We will embark on a process of self-discovery and skill-building. I am in it for the long haul, mentoring students is my passion. Let me help you curate all the resources and opinions out there on how to apply to medical school. You can see my full curriculum vitae on LinkedIn.